07 April 2009


I have always wanted to get a twitter account. I can type in whatever I am feeling/thinking and it would be saved somewhere. It has happened so many times that I would want to blog about something, but when I actually sit in front of my computer, it feels so unnecessary. 

Also, the time I am most stressed out - work and when I am stuck in traffic, I cannot put down my frustrations anywhere. So twitter would solve the problem. 


Wrong! Today, at a friend's insistence, I set up my twitter account and when I tried to set it up on my phone, it simply refused to work! There is some number where I am supposed to send a pre-defined text to, and the message would just not go! It is stuck in my phone. I don't know whose problem it is... either twitter or vodafone. But because I cannot send a text to twitter, the whole account is useless. Twitter is blocked in office - it does not even work with a FireFox extension. Which means the only place I can update twitter is at home. But why would I want to do that when I can blog? It is so dumb. Is there any other way to do this?

Dammit, I am so irritated right now! Ugh!


Abhinav said...

On no another blog or twitter or whatever .. its hard for ur readers to remember all the links ur know :((

Anonymous said...

I have been using Twitter with Airtel for a long time and works really well when I want to document my frustrations over a railway crossing. And of course, Vodafone sucks in Karnataka!

Freeze said...

Abhinav, don't worry. I will not be updating that anyways. No point when I can write a blog! :)

Raj, vodafone does not suck! I actually happen to like it! I know it works with airtel :( railway crossing?! Hehehe... i think I know what you mean.