06 April 2009

The joy(?) of work

I am currently reading a book called 'The joy of work'. It is written by Scott Adams - the guy who writes the Dilbert comics. 

I find this book funny. In fact, I like the comics and his blog as well. I started reading the book today in the bus on the way to work and back. It is so funny, that it actually made me laugh! There are not many books which are funny. The only other book that I can think of that made me laugh is One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest  (This was hilarious. I wanna watch the movie as well). There might be other books too, but I can't remember any now. 

The book talks about how someone can find happiness in their work. It tells us how we can shirk work and how to make sure that everyone else thinks that you are intelligent. How to make your manager think you are doing lots of work when you aren't. Some of the ideas are brilliant and some are plain stupid. But I felt the best part of the book is the way his comics are integrated in the book. Also the emails which he received, which are embedded everywhere. 

The best idea that I liked so far (I have not completely read the book yet) was how to sleep in your cubicle, but not let anyone know that you are sleeping. This was in an email that Scott received. It says that you should keep a paper below your table. One hand should be down, so that it looks like you are about to pick it up. Another hand could act as a pillow to your head. And you could just sleep. Now, if when you hear anyone come, they would think you are just picking up your paper! This is so brilliant! It could actually work!

But seriously, some of the things he has written are so true. Like how your manager knows only 2 things about you: How you look, and how many hours you spend in office. I do not know if all managers are like that, but mine definitely is. He cannot differentiate between someone who actually works and someone who pretends to work! It gets really annoying at times. I just have to learn to deal with it, I suppose. 

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