02 April 2009


Let me start by saying that I hate smoking, I hate cigarettes and I hate the smell of smoke. Now that we have that out of the way, let me begin.

So today evening while I was on my way back home, I got a call from home. It was my sister. As soon as I picked up, she said, "Hey I need a favour".


"I need a favour from you, and you can't say no."

"No". I knew I should say no. If she says I can't say no, it means I would not want to do it. 

"Hey come on ya. Its a small thing. I want a pack of cigarettes."


"What? Cigarettes? Why do you need them!"

"No ya, it is not for me. It is for a friend"

"Then tell them to buy it! why are you asking me to buy it for them? They should not be smoking in the first place"

"See, it is my friend's birthday, and I just want to irritate her. I had asked her what she wants for her birthday and she said she wants cigarettes and vodka and all. So just because she said it, she is gonna get it. hahaha"

There was a lot of haggling after this, and the conversation went on for 1 more unnecessary minute. But I finally agreed to get it for her.

So I get down from the bus. And go to this shady place where they sell cigarettes. I went and asked that guy , "I need a pack of cigarettes." As if I do it everyday.

So he looks at me, trying very hard not to laugh, and asks me,"which brand?". 

Like I know. So I looked around and just picked one. And I asked how much I had to pay him. He said Rs 44! Wow! Who knew! 

I walked back home, and gave the pack to my sister. 

My mom knew that my sis had asked me to get it for her, and suddenly when she actually saw it, she became real angry! And then began the yelling, and the 'what would the people in the colony think when they saw you buy cigarettes' talk. Both of us listened to it, and I had to actually convince her that no one saw me.

Even if they did, what's the big deal? Why is it ok for men to smoke,  but not women?


Abhinav said...

I hate cigs too ..just dont understand how people can inhale smoke.

I liked the part where you bought the pack .. "Like i know" .. somehow its hilarious.

On serious note i agree with your conclusion whats the big deal in it? 15 year olds go and buy them, no one looks at them differently then why this .. guess its one of the many double standards we have in our society.

Freeze said...

Yeah, and it can't be helped!