24 March 2010


Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish.

21 March 2010

the worst thing ever

My mom told me that a eleven year old committed suicide. By hanging herself. In a shed. It is pretty disturbing. What would cause that kid to kill herself? What would have given her the idea of killing herself? I find it surprising that 11 year olds have something to be depressed about. Something for which she thought she cannot go on living. Especially in an age when they are supposed to be having fun and playing and joking around.

The whole fact that someone committed suicide at such a young age is making me very sad. I asked my mom if she had written a letter. My mom said, "do you really think she would have written a letter? She's a kid". And I thought - no she is not. She decided to kill herself. To take a rope, make a knot, and put it around her neck, and jump (?). How? Why? What was she thinking? When she put that noose around her neck? What were her last thoughts?

I wish I could do something. At least to prevent more people from doing it.