06 June 2009

Guess what?

I'm going to UK again! It is total madness. My manager sent me a message (!) asking me to book tickets as soon as possible, and to leave as soon as possible. I have not even been here for a week! And I am going back? I am sort of happy, and sort of annoyed! Mixed feelings. Never thought that there would be one day when I would be traveling so much! Ha!

Good thing is I didn't unpack. All my clothes are already in the bag, so I just need to put my shoes, and I am done!

The travel back last week was totally sick. After all that happened with my tickets in UK, when I reached Bangalore, I realised that my bags have not come with me. I asked those guys, and they told me that I was supposed to identify my bag in the first port of arrival in the country (or something like that). Basically, i was supposed to have gone and told someone, "those are my bags". But since I was taking the same airlines till Bangalore, I had a through check-in. I expected to take my bags only when I get to Bangalore. Some shit. So anyways, I had to go to the airport again to get my bags on Tuesday. I went to office only on Wednesday. Monday, again I would be in UK office. Crazy!

01 June 2009

The stupid things I do

Saturday evening, around 4 pm. I am all packed, and ready to leave. The cab to the airport is supposed to come at 5:15pm. I decide to check the tickets, just like that. So I check the time. It says 9:25. Right. And I check the cab details and confirmed that it would be coming at 5:15. Then I check the time when I am supposed to reach Mumbai. It says 23.00 or something. What? The flight is supposed to leave at 9:25 pm, and I should not be reaching Mumbai so soon! Fuck! I have missed my flight! The flight was at 9:25 in the morning and not at 9:25 in the evening! And the cab is 5:15 morning, and not 5:15 evening!! Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!!


I check my e-mail, and it says 9:25PM. But the e-ticket says it is 9:25 AM! Damnit!! There is some confusion.

I call up the travel desk in Bangalore. It is all their fault. They sent me two different things. In the mail it said one thing, and in the print out, they gave me another. After some 15 minutes of not knowing if I have missed my flight or not, they call back. Telling me that the flight was indeed in the morning, and that I have missed my flight. They would call me back later to tell me what I should be doing now.

I don't know what's gonna happen. Will I be flying today, or tomorrow, or next week! Next week would totally suck. That would mean I would have to go back to office in UK, where I have already told all my goodbyes. That would be totally weird.

After an hour, they call back. I will have to take the flight on Sunday evening. So I am all packed. No food at home. I gave it all away to a colleague who stays close by since I was supposed to be leaving!!

Somehow I feel it was also my fault. I mean, I didn't check the e-ticket. how dumb.

So I fly on Sunday. Have to say though, the last 24 hours have been totally crap. I hate it. And now I am in Delhi airport. I reached at 10. And my flight to Bangalore is at 5:50PM!!! Yuck. The whole day in an airport. But, I have internet. I am now listening to internet radio as I type.

I plan to watch a movie, have not decided which one. I have lots on my machine already that I have not already seen. It is weird though, I thought I would be bored. I even have a book, but I have not opened it yet!! When I have internet, I don't need anything else. Sad, in a way. Sigh!

So, I need to get to office tomorrow. And I would reach home late. I did not sleep in the flight at all, and now it has been a really long time since I slept. Have to go to office since I have lots of stuff to finish off by this week, and I have not even started the work.

Man, I am totally tired. The airport is too noisy! People can somehow do something though. There are other people using the internet, taking vidoes of the airport in their handycam (I saw atleast 3 already!), people eating, drinking, reading books, shopping. It is like a mall. I had plans of getting out and watching a movie in a mall, but I was too tired to do so.

What an end to everything!


Quote of the Day - Abraham Lincoln - "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."

Got this in gmail today.