28 March 2009


Really bored this evening, have nothing interesting to do. So I just started reading my older blogs and all the comments that I had written. Man, I've been blogging since 2005! How long ago is that! And now for some numbers that no one else is interested in: (except me, of course!). I wrote 65 posts in 2005,2006. And 26 in 2007,2008!! And 8 in 2009! (I posted one that I had written in 2007 now, which was stuck as a draft for 2 years! Sigh!) . Which makes this my 100th post! Wow! In 4.5 years. Long, long time. It should not have taken so many years! haha! 

I read this, the time when I read Robert Ludlum's Bourne Identity! How cool is that! I didn't even remember that I had blogged about it. I had also found Matt Damon cute! hehehe...

I still get extremely lazy and bored! I still don't have a car driving license. I love my two wheeler (which is technically my sister's!). Some things never change I suppose!

So for the past two hours (or more), I've been reminiscing about the past few years of mine. I like where I am at the moment. I suppose I have said this already in some post, but its nice. I've few good friends who I know will be there for me when I need them (I honestly didn't think it was possible!). I still get along fine with my family with a lot of fights! I like my work and the environment. I've travelled to two countries (which made me realise how much I like seeing new places!) . How cool is this? When I was in college, I thought I would be the last person in class who would go somewhere.  (so much for self confidence!) 

I've done so many things that I thought I would never do, and I enjoyed doing them. There was a post where i had posted all the things I would like to do and all the things I have done. Few things have changed! I want to do some more things that I have not marked there.

Have done the following( which I had not marked that I wanted to do!): 
  • Communicated with someone without sharing a common spoken language (in Turkey. Was sort of fun! I wish I had blogged more when I was there)
  • Thought to yourself that you're living your dream
  • Taken a road trip. 
  • Had two hard disks for my computer( Guess I had it before and didn't know it!)

and one thing that I had marked:
  • Toured ancient sites. (I saw Ephesus when I was in Turkey! Will post pics if I feel like it! Mostly I wont.) It was so cool, man! 
And I realised that I can't do few things - mostly because of my fears. I realised that I have an extreme case of a fear of heights. Some time ago, there was some team building activity that I had gone to from office. I had to climb up (dont know how high it was), and had to jump to a net backwards. Its like, you can't see where you are jumping. And while I was standing there to jump, I could just not do it. The more time I spent there, the more scared I got. I was actually shaking there. Literally! I eventually jumped though, and I thought I would not be scared the next time I do it. So I went again, only to make a fool of myself. I got scared again, and started shaking again. And that is when I realised, much to my chagrin, that I cannot do the following. 
  • Bungee jumped
  • Gone sky diving. 
Its all good though, all good! 

I'm actually smiling here! 


Abhinav said...

Hey good to see your blog again and quite a number of posts i have missed. Really nice post and really great for things you have been able to do.

I would recommend bungee though its scary but i finally did it last week :)
It was fun!! :D

Freeze said...

yeah, suddenly I felt like blogging again! :)

bungee jumping, don't even ask. I wanted to do this since forever, but now I honestly don't think it is possible! :(