12 March 2006

Talk to me

Wow… so many days since I blogged. And I just realized that in February I just wrote some 5 or 6 posts, which totally sucks. I don’t know if it is blogger’s block or whatever. It just seems weird for me to suddenly write what I am thinking and whatnot.

So my granny has come home, and she is totally bugging me out. Yeah, she has some stories to tell and all, but it’s getting kind of boring for me to listen to the same old things about the same old people that I don’t know. And the funny part is that she likes talking with me. And most of the times I don’t even listen to her. If I am not doing anything I just stare at her, nod after every sentence, and say “hmmm” after every 3 sentences that she says. And if I am doing something, like using the comp or something, then she gets nothing. Gosh I suck. I mean, there are these people who would do anything to spend time with their grandma’s and grandpa’s, and I am not even acknowledging her when she talks with me.

Oh well… I don’t get why she likes talking with me anyway. But what I have noticed is that most people like talking with me. Like there is this aunt of mine, who’ll come and tell me all sorts of things, whether I wanna listen to it or not. And there is this classmate of mine who comes and tells me all of her troubles. It’s cool. But I don’t know why they would rather tell me, and not others. I don’t seem to tell them anything.

I am not telling that I don’t wanna listen to these people when they talk with me. I like listening to people. In fact, rather than talking, I would rather listen to people. I find it very interesting sometimes. Just wondering why it is me that they like talking to.


killer is i said...

u think that every1 likes to talk to u doesn't mean that they really do :p

May b yr granny talks wid u coz she loves ya ..
and yr aunt ... ummm ... may b she talks so much wid every1 ...
And i never find storis boring frm my granny ... i mean .. i luv to hear wat i havn't seen

Abhinav said...

>>>Just wondering why it is me that they like talking to.
The answer is in ur post...u have written the answer urself. Its like "U do not know what u know" :)

Freeze said...

yeah yeah... if they dont like talking with me, then y do they?
makes no sense huh?

its exactly what i said, ppl find granny's stories interesting, but i find it boring. especially since i dont know the ppl she talks abt.

hehe.. then what do i know! :P

XVSA013 said...

probably they talk to u because 1. u dont talk back 2. u dont talk it to anyone else

greensatya said...

//I like listening to people. In fact, rather than talking, I would rather listen to people.//

This is the answer to the question raised by you in the post.

Abhinav said...

great Satya...freeze this what i meant ;) the answer was in ut post

Freeze said...

yeah, probably

hehe... yeah, yeah. was just wondering. dint raise any sort of question.
