28 November 2005

Bad day

Yeah, today was a bad day. I got ready to college, and was about to leave home. [ I go to college by Kinetic]. And I see that my kinetic is like stuck there! It just would not move. I mean, when you lock a 2 wheeler, you turn the front part to the left. I could not make it straight. Weird.

So anyways, had to catch 2 buses to finally reach college. Missed a class coz of that. Missing a class does not really sound bad, but I lost attendance :( . That sucks.

The bus ride was so horrible. There were so many people in that damn bus. I was standing in the edge of the step. I almost thought I would fall down. And that stupid conductor was telling me to go inside. Where was I supposed to go? Should I go and stand on those people (who are already jam packed)? It was ridiculous. I could have taken another bus. But I was already late. And the bus was stopping at every stop, to take more people. Crazy.

We need more buses. Maybe they should make smaller buses that those long ones. Atleast the traffic would move faster then.

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