Booze: Yeah, please gimme some.
Chore I Hate: Ugh. Cooking! Just hate it.
Dog or Cat: Dogs hate me, and I hate dogs. So I guess it is cats.
Essential Electronics: Cell phone, computer, pen drive, tv, music player, microwave (even though I don't cook).
Perfumes: None .. I'm allergic.
Gold or Silver: Silver. Anyway, old is gold... So new is silver?
Home: What exactly am I supposed to write here? Yeah, I stay in a home. Whatever.
Insomnia: Hmmm, I sleep early, but get up in the middle of the night. And then I can't go back to sleep for 2 or 3 hours.
Job Title: Software engineer (wheeee!!)
Living Arrangements: Again, no clue what to write. What kind of a question is this?
Most Admirable Traits: Nothing.
Number of Sexual Partners: huh?
Number of times in hospital: Once. No, twice. Ugh, ok, ok many times. I've an aunt who's a doctor. hehe.. so I've visited her there.
Phobias: Insects. And anything that flies. (except aeroplanes. Haha)
Quote: blah blah ... Don't want to bore you. You're lucky.
Religion: I don't believe in this. So, no comments. Though that was a comment in itself. Don't worry if it didn't make sense. Its not supposed to.
Siblings: A sister.
Time I Wake Up: Depends. Weekdays 7:10. Weekends no time. Whenever I wake up. NO fixed time.
Unusual Talent or Skill: Can sleep with eyes open. Can pretend to listen when I am not really listening.
Vegetable I Love: I hate vegetables. So, none.
Worst Habit: I never do what I am supposed to be doing.
X-Rays, Last time: 6 years ago. Now, what did you gain by knowing this anyway?
Yummy Food I Make: Does coffee count?
Zodiac Sign: Cancer.
Got this from killer's blog. Even though I was not tagged, I did it. No, I don't know why. And you all are really lucky people, coz you are NOT tagged. I plan on writing and writing until I stop making sense. To myself. I guess that's already established, so now I am gone.
Really I'm gone.
What are you still reading?
There is nothing to read.
Job Title: Software engineer (wheeee!!)
Wht a surprise!!!
You knw why u did this tag :-" ..
DO not lie ... ok ?
is this a tag season .. everybody is tagging these days. btw
Job Title: Software engineer (wheeee!!)
is it so exciting .. :P
You hate all vegetables? Even potato and bhindi?? I thought everyone liked bhindi :)
//Dogs hate me, and I hate dogs
Mutual hatred, huh? Btw, cats are evil!
Software engineer???...insomnia??? get some link? sometimes u mite not be able to sleep for the whole nite ;)...just kidding...
aha... sarcasm!!
yeah. So?
no, not a tag season. hey you are not tagged! So, dont complain! hehe.. I see you are not updating your blog.
yeah its exciting to me, my first job man!
yeah potato i like. but depending on my mood. :D
cats are evil!! muahahhahah i LIKE evil!
hehehe... the insomnia cant be coz of the software engineer thing. not yet anyways. :)
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