16 April 2006

The usual

I don’t know why exactly all my enthusiasm for blogging stopped. There was a time when I would log on to the internet just to check how many people read my blog. Just to check how long they stayed reading it. I was obsessed with writing something, obsessed with knowing who read my blog. And then, just like a snap, I just didn’t care. Now, I hardly check the counter and stuff like that. Its weird how I changed so much so fast.

So I have college tomorrow. I’m just bugged of college. Same old classrooms, same old teachers, and the same old classmates. It’s getting kind of boring. I’m just waiting for college to get over. I suppose it will soon. Maybe I’ll stop attending college in 2 weeks or so.

Funny thing is, right now I’m thinking that after college it wont be this boring. What I am scared of is that it’s probably going to get worse. I mean, I’m always like that. When I was 10 years old, I wanted to be 18. When I was 18, I wanted to be 21. When I was a kid, I wanted to be an adult. And now I want to be 6 years old.

I’m supposed to be studying now. It’s been ages since I actually studied properly. I have loads to study, and I am still not in my senses. And damn, the weather is so nice, that I just wanna sleep. That’s all I have been doing the whole day today. Well, not the whole day. The whole afternoon. And then it rained again. Yay!

But just so you know, I hate the rains. Then why yay!? Because it is better than the damn summer. Winter was better. Why didn't I like winter then?

Then I had a craving to eat ice cream (hehe). So I went with my sister and got my favourite ice cream- hot chocolate fudge with ice cream. And my sister took an ice cream called “death by chocolate”. Her choice was horrible. It had some choc cake, with vanilla ice cream with choc syrup or something in it. People would probably die after eating so much, maybe that’s why it is called so. She could barely finish it. And when she was halfway, she kept telling me that if she eats another spoon of that ice cream, she would probably puke. I think maybe that cake had gone bad. She says it’s supposed to taste that way. Whatever. It was just horrible, sis.

I feel like watching some movie. Damn. And I gotta study now. I’m probably not gonna be sleeping this night coz I slept the whole afternoon. From 3:30 to 5:30 or some shit. What was I thinking?

Why can't I think of some nice title? This always irritates me. "The usual"?! ughhhh!


killer is i said...

hmmmmmm ... wat can i say? or i should say "wat MORE can i say?" about that change. Ok, let me try once more. STOP criticising things, love environment, be friendly and be yourself, try to have fun and stay in those fun moments. You are changing becoz u r thinking too much. Just be carefree.
And whenever u feel weird or bored or u r angry on nobody/anybody, do 1 thing, go outside, inhale fresh air, look at the sky and stare at those stars and when u feel like dying, then exhale :p .. hehe .. juss kidding. I meant to say is that go outside, take a deep breath, u'll feel good, look at sky and those beautiful stars. Think about good times. and remember LOVE EVERYONE. If u love everyone, everyone will love u.

I don't know y u hate yr colls in FINAL semester. I m missing my college and u r bugged off. See this kinda attitude i was talking about. Tell me, were u same 1 year ago, i mean bugged of college and same old thing?? I don't wanna leave my colls and u don't wanna go to colls.

Yea that is soo true. I rem when i was kid i wanted to b adult coz i used to think that dad and uncle don't have to study, they don't have to go to school and now i want to go back to school. I guess i lost my school days. And thing u r feeling like again want to b a kid, every engineer feel like that :p

Come on, be a true engineer, exams r one night fight :p. And i guess u like spring. right ??
Hmmmmmmmmm .. i love choc as well as ice creams and any mix up wid them ;)
U slept juss for TWO hours, and u r saying u slept WHOLE afternoon. 2 hrs is nothing :p . Title is gud enuff, atleast better than i can think of, don't worry u'll learn soon :p.

Ok more than enough. I should stop writing before my comment become larger than yr post :p. Although i have more things in my mind, u knw i m useless free person and have lotta time to kill so i can keep on writing any kinda shit spl. in comments. ok ok, band kar raha hoon.

And And .. rem .....

killer is i said...

oops .. i forgot to say that my comment was first one. :D . First time i guess on yr blog.
Take Care

Abhinav said...

Change is the only constant in "Life"
Remember this line I’m just bugged of college. Same old classrooms, same old teachers, and the same old classmates. It’s getting kind of boring. I’m just waiting for college to get over. I suppose it will soon ur gng to so regret it when u graduate...its been 2 years and i still miss my college, hostel (GH ofcourse :)).
and u called DBC horrible...its one of my fav and last week i had Hot Choc fudge in Nirulas, Delhi and must say Corner House ice creams are the best.

Sara said...

i know where u took those icecreams...he he he...i had that "death by chocolate" and shared it with a fren of my...even then we cudnt finish it :)

Freeze said...

I'm not exactly sure abt yr 1st two paras... or how it is related to my post.
There is no rule that I should not hate final year.
Title.. hmmm
Yeah man. Too much you wrote. I'm not sure if I even got what you wrote here. Damn.
Love everyone? WTF? Why did that come here? Did I say anywhere that I hate someone? WTF!?
Clap clap. And congrats. You are the 1st! Wheee!

I know that change is constant, blah blah
And how would you know if I'll regret something or not? You don't even know me. I never regret anything in my life. And I know that I wont. I live my life in such a manner that I don't regret anything. MIssing something is different, and regretting something is different. You may have reasons to miss your old life, or whatever, but I can't live for the past. And think about the past. And keep thinking that what happened in the past was better than what's happening now.
Yeah, I found DBC horrible. Everyone has their own taste.

Hehe, yeah ice creams are the best in You-know-where!! ;)