It is a TV series. I watched the first season when I was in Turkey. Could not watch season 2 and 3 though. Found out that my friend had both the seasons. So I got it and watched it.
I wanted to watch it so bad, that when I finally did, I did not like it. season 1 is the best- nothing can beat it. Season 2 was atleast ok. But I dont know why season 3 was made. Seriously. I dont get it. Once the story gets over, you should just finish it. Why prolong it?
Now I need to get Lost season 3. Have watched the first 2 seasons and it makes me want to see 3.
This is totally intelligent...
You must watch Lost season 3 and 4. The episodes are even available online. It is amazing. You start getting answers to a lot of questions and a lot of new questions arise too!
You can probably tell that I am a big Lost fanboy :D
Yeah man, want to watch Lost. Been asking people if they already have it. Dont want to download so much.
Never been fan of Prison break but you should check out season of "LIFE"
Its good!!
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