28 August 2007

Should I, or shouldn't I?

What do you do when you know that a person is lying? When you know that every sentence the person speaks is a lie? You know the person lies so much, that sometimes you don’t know if you can ever trust that person. What do you do when the person comes in late to a room, and you know where she was, and what she was doing, and yet, she says she was some place else, doing something else? Pretend that you don’t know what is happening? How long can you pretend? Should you just tell the person that you know the truth, and that she can stop lying?

But then, what if the person was not lying? What if what you think has happened didn’t happen at all? How would you know for sure? Follow your gut feeling?

I’m sick of pretending. I just wish I could just tell it to her face and tell her that I know. It would be easy on her. And on me.


XVSA013 said...

u shd tell.

Anonymous said...

I generally have a rule that you must believe a friend even if you feel that they are lying because if they don't want you to know then you should just leave it at that. But if its getting too much too handle then you could just tell her that you have some questions and maybe she should answer those for you. It all depends on what kind of relationship you have with her.

Nave said...

very difficult to face this..

till now i hav just ignored this type of situations..

Abhinav said...

Just go for it.

lmt said...

Hi, This situation is a bit difficult and it happens to me all the time, but with different people. Sometimes a friend is a bit dissapointed but she just don’t want anyone to notice so she lie. It also can happend that you thought she was lying but it wasn’t like that. But if you are really sure she is lying you can let her know that you suspect something, like in a soft way and then maybe she would tell you the truth. If it doesn’t work you should talk to her about it.

I like your blog very much! Here is the link to my blog if you wanna visit it: http://lmtvoruz.blogspot.com/

Best wishes,

XVSA013 said...

did u?

Freeze said...

No I didn't tell her. :(

And I don't think I can do it either.

It sucks. But I just can't.

Sara said...

if she is a very important friend... then u must tell it, would help her to improve for the better... else dont take it too serious... friends care for each other... might get u into a fight... but nevertheless it wud be constructive...

well... its a long time now since ur post... did u tell? :)

Freeze said...

No I didnt tell, and I wont be either. Its very complicated, and after thinking a lot I reached the conclusion that I wont be.