04 October 2008


I do not have a lot of friends. There was a time(when I was a kid) when this actualy bothered me. But not so anymore. 

There is just one person from my school who was my friend then, and still is my friend now. Yeah, we have known each other for more than ten years, and we talk about all kinds of crap. I mean, I just need to pick up the phone and call her, and without even knowing, I would have spoken to her for an hour. It is nice, the fact that there is someone I know who would always listen to me when I need to talk. (It does not really happen a lot - the need to talk, but still)

There are friends from college as well... though we keep in touch with each other, and talk to each other regularly, there is something missing when compared to my friend from school. I do not know why. Perhaps I do not want to associate myself with anything in college. I did not really have a good time in college. I actually like working much, much, much better. I have fun working! Seriously! 

And then there are 2 good friends that I made in office! Both of them are very talkative. (I just realised that all my friends talk a lot! I am a quiet person) . And now, both of them have quit to study further. Both are not in Bangalore, and I sort of miss talking to them, and I miss discussing insane stuff with them. I have actually discussed browser incompatibilites with one of them. haha! Firefox is awesome! (If you are still using IE 6, throw your comp out the window!  )

Hmmm, was there a point I wanted to make at all? 


greensatya said...

So when you write, you write and when you take break, it is a long break..
and I still use IE6.0, I won't even go to IE7.0, leave alone Firefox...just because something new is there, I would not throw the old one out..

Freeze said...

Yeah, it is always like that. I get inspired, and/or bored. And then I forget. :)

IE 6.. yeah. Well.